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" Our business model fills a need within the mining industry and community at large for higher-performing wear parts that can both significantly reduce the Total Costs of Ownership (TCO) and lower carbon footprint and as such increase mining sustainability and that’s what we care about. We look forward to partnering with you to deliver safe, sustainable and measurable reductions in the TCO of your assets to ensure the sustainability of our industry. "
Ian J. Wilson
Founder & CEO
Core Business

Message from the CEO

To all owners, operators, and maintainers of highly demanding mining process plant & equipment assets, this is an introduction to The Makuri Group, the technology and companies we have developed and most importantly the very special people who make it all happen.

We have built our company around 2 key core values of quality and innovation which we use in our everyday activities to ensure we deliver the most sustainable and valuable outcomes for all stakeholders.

Core Business

What We Do

We specialise in the design, manufacture, and supply of high-performance wear liner systems to optimise the front end of hard rock mining process plant.

We specialize in the development, testing and use of the best and most appropriate materials to deliver new benchmark setting results under the most arduous of conditions.

Makuri is a true technology company focused on developing and applying new and proprietary processes to allow for continuous innovation and improvement in mining and process wear applications.

The Makuri group is constantly innovating through the testing and using new designs and materials that will deliver ever-increasing value to mining customers.

Our publications are available upon request. For more information, please request them.

We know who we are what we’re good at